Das Reptil in uns
Konflikte beginnen meist mit einem Missverständnis. Werden Unstimmigkeiten nicht angesprochen, entsteht häufig eine Konfliktdynamik, die ausser Kontrolle gerät. Mit dem Konzept der «gewaltfreien Kommunikation» lässt sich eine Konflikteskalation verhindern. Eine HR-Leiterin und ein Konfliktberater geben spannende Einblicke.
02162 35 84 02
0178 35 84 020

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- Many years of employment in sales at a major German travel business and involvement in establishing an expanding nationwide chain of travel agents
- Degree in business administration at Düsseldorf Business Academy (Wirtschaftsfachschule)
- Manager Human Resources and Organisation in a department store of one of Germany's largest textile retailers
- Manager Human Resources in the branch organisation of a European retail trade group
- As Human Resources Manager responsible for the personnel department in the newly established German subsidiary of an international pharmaceutical enterprise, support of the staff at the branches in the Netherlands and Hungary
- Business mediation training at DGFP (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung e. V.) in Frankfurt
- Company foundation of Mediata Birgit U. Röhlen. Selfemployed as a Human Resources Consultant focussing on Human Resources Services, Training and Economic Mediation
Member of the BMeV Federal Association of Mediation (Bundesverband Mediation e.V.)
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